On the Road - Recording the Stars in a Golden Era of Live Music Book (hardcover)
von David W. Hewitt

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Informationen zu "On the Road - Recording the Stars in a Golden Era of Live Music Book (hardcover)"

Komponist/Autor: David W. Hewitt
Verlag: Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc.
Verlagsnummer: HL00386935
EAN: 9781493056170
ISBN: 978-1-493-05617-0


This book tells the story of a life spent on the road recording the rich
diversity of music in America when it was a major part of our lives, not just
digital background noise. For music fans, there was a golden era of live
music, stretching from the 1960s through the 1980s, and even evolving into
the 1990s, if you want to be generous. In the pre-digital era, music fans
spent a large part of their free time (and money) listening to their favorite
artist's recordings. It was an analog world so if they wanted to hear the
music, they actually had to listen to the radio, buy the records, and go to
the concerts. Popular artists had long performed live concerts in the major
markets, but it took rock 'n' roll to make national touring a viable
business. Touring sound systems grew from scratch to keep up with larger and
larger venues. Likewise, the ability to record those shows had to grow as
well. The rudimentary collection of semi-professional gear grew into
full-blown remote recording studios to keep up with the demand for live
records, films, and broadcasts.
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