The Dream of Gerontius for soli, mixed choir and orchestra Analytical and descriptive Notes

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Informationen zu "The Dream of Gerontius for soli, mixed choir and orchestra Analytical and descriptive Notes"

Verlag: Novello & Co
Verlagsnummer: NOV110106
EAN: 5020679198209


Edward Elgar
John Henry Newman
In 1897, Elgar became acquainted with A J Jaeger, an employee of Novello
publishing firm, who offered encouragement during the less successful time of
the composers life before the publication of the Enigma Variations. Over
time, Jaeger became Elgars closest friend. Jaeger wrote this analysis in
1900. While the language and certain references may be extravagant for todays
reader, the insights Jaeger offers make this an invaluable accompaniment to
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