Jazz Theory Resources Vol.1 tonal, harmonic, melodic and rhythmic organization of jazz Book
von Bert Ligon

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Informationen zu "Jazz Theory Resources Vol.1 tonal, harmonic, melodic and rhythmic organization of jazz Book"

Komponist/Autor: Bert Ligon
Verlag: Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: HL00030458
EAN: 9780634038617
ISBN: 978-0-634-03861-7


Jazz Theory Resources is a jazz theory text in two volumes. Volume I
includes: review of basic theory, rhythm in jazz
performance, basic tonal materials, triadic generalization, diatonic harmonic
progressionsand harmonic analysis, substitutions and turnarounds, common
melodic outlines, and an overview of voicings. Volume II (00030459, $29.95)
includes: modes and modal frameworks, quartal harmony, other scales and
colors, extendedtertian structures and triadic superimposition, pentatonic
applications, coloring outside the lines and beyond, analysis, and expanding
harmonic vocabulary. Appendices on chord/scale relationships, elaborations
ofstatic harmony, endings, composing tips and theory applications are also
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