Harmony Book

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Informationen zu "Harmony Book"

Verlag: Carl Fischer Distribution
Verlagsnummer: O5396PB
EAN: 9780825846908
ISBN: 978-0-8258-4690-8


Hopkins, Nicholas, ed
Link, John F., ed
The unique character of Elliot Carters harmonic idiom has long been the
subject of speculation and study. This extraordinary book is the key to the
careful evolution of this aspect of the musical thinking process of one of
the most influential American composers of our time. From 3-note chords to
12-note aggregations, Harmony Book explores the harmonic relations of the
12-note chromatic scale as employed by Mr. Carter since his decisive work of
the 1960s.
Editors' Preface
The Combinatorial Art of Elliott Carter's Harmony Book
Consensus of Forte and Carter
Elliott Carter Talks about His Harmony Book
Chapter 1. Catalogue I: Catalogue of Intervals and Chords
Chapter 1. Catalogue I: Catalogue of Intervals and Chords
Chapter 1. Catalogue I: Catalogue of Intervals and Chords
Chapter 1. Catalogue I: Catalogue of Intervals and Chords
Chapter 1. Catalogue I: Catalogue of Intervals and Chords
Chapter 1. Catalogue I: Catalogue of Intervals and Chords
Chapter 1. Catalogue I: Catalogue of Intervals and Chords
Chapter 1. Catalogue I: Catalogue of Intervals and Chords
Chapter 1. Catalogue I: Catalogue of Intervals and Chords
Chapter 2. Catalogue II: All-interval Twelve-note Chords
Chapter 2. Catalogue II: All-interval Twelve-note Chords
Chapter 2. Catalogue II: All-interval Twelve-note Chords
Chapter 3. Synthesis I
Chapter 3. Synthesis I
Chapter 3. Synthesis I
Chapter 3. Synthesis I
Chapter 3. Synthesis I
Chapter 4. Synthesis II
Chapter 4. Synthesis II
Chapter 4. Synthesis II
Chapter 4. Synthesis II
Chapter 4. Synthesis II
Chapter 5. Synthesis III
Chapter 5. Synthesis III
Chapter 5. Synthesis III
Chapter 5. Synthesis III
Chapter 5. Synthesis III
Chapter 6. Synthesis IV
Chapter 6. Synthesis IV
Chapter 6. Synthesis IV
Chapter 7. Synthesis V
Chapter 7. Synthesis V
Chapter 7. Synthesis V
Chapter 8. Synthesis VI
Chapter 8. Synthesis VI
Chapter 9. Analysis I
Chapter 9. Analysis I
Chapter 9. Analysis I
Chapter 10. Analysis II
Chapter 10. Analysis II
Chapter 11. Analysis III
Chapter 11. Analysis III
Chapter 12. Analysis IV
Chapter 12. Analysis IV
Chapter 13. Analysis V
Chapter 13. Analysis V
Appendix 1. List of Intervals, Chords and Sigla
Appendix 2. The 'Link' Chords
Appendix 3. Total Number of Chords Contained within Each Total Aggregate
Glossary of Terms
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