Informationen zu "Continuity and Change - The Significance of the Tsinza (Xylophone) among the Bura of northeast Nigeria"
Komponist/Autor: Christopher Yusufu Mtaku
Verlag: Georg Olms Verlag
Verlagsnummer: 9783487155326
EAN: 9783487155326
ISBN: 978-3-487-15532-6
Center for World Music
Studies in Music vol.5
This study concerns the Bura tsinza xylophone, an instrument that is closely
associated with the Bura peoples' identity. The tsinza occupies an important
position in Bura culture. Old musicians emphasized that it was originally an
important funeral instrument. Today, however, the instrument has assumed
other roles with an entirely different meaning for many in the society. The
traditional context of use of the instrument is disappearing, but new
contexts have surfaced that keep the instrument a lively art amongst the
people. This study explores the oral history of the instrument, its
traditional and contemporary contexts of use with an aim to understand why
and in what ways the Bura maintain tsinza musical performance despite the
gradual disappearance of its traditional context.