Song that blesses Earth Hymn Texts, Carols and Poems
von Thomas H. Troeger

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Informationen zu "Song that blesses Earth Hymn Texts, Carols and Poems"

Komponist/Autor: Thomas H. Troeger
Verlag: Oxford University Press Distribution Services
Verlagsnummer: 9780193405493
EAN: 9780193405493
ISBN: 978-0-19-340549-3


This collection of poetry, written by one of the most celebrated hymn writers
in the USA, includes hymn texts, carols, and poems for all occasions
throughout the liturgical year.
Christ is born
Every Angel's Greeting Starts
Why Do Angels Come by Night?
One Crimson Bird upon a Branch
The Winter Wind that Storms the Barn
The Creatures of the Earth
Christmas Eve (On the Hearth a Roaring Fire)
The Magiâs Journey Starts
I Pray a New Star Shines
I Pray to Be a Star
All the Countless Stars of Night
Angel and Star: A Christmas Oratorio
Christ suffers, dies, and lives
Hear the Sounds from Two Parades
Mary Did Not Count the Cost
We like Peter, Christ, Protest
Who Sends You, Christ, to Death?
We Read the Cross so Many Ways
How Easily the Cross Is Used
Gardener up at Break of Day
The Risen Christ Disturbed
Christ, Our True Life and Light
Christ wakens song and art
Night and Day This Planet Sings
The Wind that Stirs the Sea to Sing
Through the Churchâs Prayerful Singing
Lord, Let Your Welcome Light
God of Judgment, We Implore You (Psalm 94)
Christ, the Church's wellsprint, root, and source
Labyrinth Hymn (Let's Journey toward the Center)
Like an Open Door Inviting
We Are Grounded in the Daring
Spring of Life that Wakens Wonder
Let All We Do and Say Give Breath
Know Christ the Light and Make Him Known
Christ in whom all things cohere
How Miniscule This Planet
Every Planet, Star and Stone
Earth's Crust of Rock Is Drifting
I Lean on You to Steel and Brace
Christ unnamed but known
Everything Electrical and Mechanical
If You Told Me
Now Is the Hour
Looking Out from This Tilted, Traveling Stone
Anniversary Hike on the Amalfi Coast
I Like the Quiet Air
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