Informationen zu "Bach's Lute Works from the Guitarist's Perspective vol.1 Suites BWV995-996"
Komponist/Autor: Tilman Hoppstock
Verlag: Prim Musikverlag
Verlagsnummer: PRIM1750-EE1
EAN: 9990051804096
This is the fundamental work by guitarist and cellist T. Hoppstock, who
analyses Bach's luteworks from a new particular perspective. Many different
aspects as like harmony, melodics, structure, polyphony, tempo relations,
articulation, problems of transcription, questions about fingerings and much
more have been specified in an accessible way.
- with 500 music examples in print + CD with 99 tracks
- the new discovered Gerber manuscript as facsimile
Die Lautenwerke Bachs aus der Sicht des Gitarristen