Conducting Beethoven vol.2 Overtures, Concertos, Missa Solemnis
von Norman Del Mar

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Informationen zu "Conducting Beethoven vol.2 Overtures, Concertos, Missa Solemnis"

Komponist/Autor: Norman Del Mar
Verlag: Oxford University Press Distribution Services
Verlagsnummer: 9780198163596
EAN: 9780198163596
ISBN: 978-0-19-816359-6


Giving his views on Beethoven's overtures, concertos and Missa Solemnis,
Norman Del Mar, a professional conductor, offers analyses of the music's
structure, pointing out key events in the score, and gives advice on how to
achieve the desired effect.Following on from his reflections on conducting
the nine Beethoven symphonies, Del Mar now gives his views on the remainder
of Beethoven's orchestral output. He offers analyses of the music's
structure, pointing out key events in the score, and gives advice on how to
achieve the desired effect. Drawing on a lifetime's experience of conducting,
these reflections are an essential starting-point for young conducters.
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