Blues for flute: songbook for flute solo

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Informationen zu "Blues for flute: songbook for flute solo"

Verlag: Music Sales
Verlagsnummer: AM952017
EAN: 9780711971783
ISBN: 978-0-7119-7178-3


Alright okay you win

Basin street blues

Black coffee

Blue monk

Blues around my bed

Blues my naughty sweetie gives to me

Blue stay away from me
Body and soul
Buddy bolden's blues
But beautiful
Canal street blues
Come sunday
Cotton tail
Do nithon' till you hear from me
Don't blame me
Get on board little children
Hand me down love
Hard hearted hannah
Harlem nocturne

I ain't got nobody (and there's nobody cares for

I remember clifford

I wanna be around

If i had you

In a mellow tone

In the heat of the night

Is you is or is you ain't (ma' baby)
It could happen to you
Just a sittin' and a rockin'
Just squeeze me
Lean baby
Limehouse blues
Lover man (oh where can you be)
Mad about him sad without him hiw can i be glad
Memphis blues
Moonlight becomes you
More than you know
Nine twenty special
No smoking
Nobody knows you when you're down and out

Ol' man mose

On green dolphin street

Our day will come

Prelude to a kiss


River stay 'way from my door

Robbin's nest
See see rider
Someone to watch over me
St james infirmary
Straight no chaser
Sugar blues
Sultry serenade
Summertime blues
Swingin' shepherd blues
The birth of the blues
The lady sings the blues
The nearness of you

The old piano roll blues

Time's a-wastin'

When it's sleepy time down south

When sunny gets blue

When your lover has gone

Willow weep for me

Blues for flute
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