Making the Grade 1 (+CD): for flute easy popular pieces for young flautists, flute and piano / new edition

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Informationen zu "Making the Grade 1 (+CD): for flute easy popular pieces for young flautists, flute and piano / new edition"

Verlag: J. & W. Chester
Verlagsnummer: CH67309
EAN: 9781844491933
ISBN: 978-1-8444-9193-3


Any Dream will do

The Skater's Waltz

Eensy Weensy Spider


I'm Popeye the Sailor Man


O no John
I have a Dream
The yellow Rose of Texas
Jean de Florette
No matter what
Hey hey are you ready to play
Barbie Girl
The Phantom of the Opera
Land of Hope and Glory
All my Loving
Somethin' stupid
Oom pah pah

Dance to your Daddy
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