Informationen zu "Nobody knows - Gospels und Spirituals: für 1-2 Flöten (mit Texten und Akorden) Spielpartitur"
Verlag: Waldkauz Verlag
Verlagsnummer: WK9108
EAN: 9990092093695
Hörle, Wolf-Dietrich, arr.
Amazing Grace
By and by
Deep River
Down by the Riverside
Didn't my Lord deliver Danile
Give me that old Time Religion
Glorious Kingdom
Go down Moses
Go tell it on the Mountains
Good News
I want to be ready
It's me oo Lord
Joshua fit the Battle of Jericho
Kum ba ja my Lord
Lest us break Bread together
Michael row the Boat ashore
My Lord what a Morning
Nobody knows
Oh Freedom
Oh when the Saints
Rock my Soul
Over in the Gloryland
Sombody's knocking
Sometimes I feel
Swing low sweet Chariot
Wade in the Water
Were You there