The Best of B.B. King songbook piano/vocal/guitar
von B.B. King

21,99 €
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Informationen zu "The Best of B.B. King songbook piano/vocal/guitar "

Komponist/Autor: B.B. King
Verlag: Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: HL00307115
EAN: 9781423476085
ISBN: 978-1-423-47608-5


Ain't Nobody hme
Ask me no Questions
Be careful with a Fool
Beautician Blues
Chains and Things
Cryin' won't help You
Everyday I have the Blues
Gambler's Blues
Help the Poor
How blue can You get
I need You so bad
Nobody loves me but my Mother
Paying the Cost to be the Boss
Please accept my Love
Riding with the King
Rock me Baby
Sweet little Angel
Sweet sixteen
Three o'Clock Blues
The Thrill is gone
Why I sing the Blues
Woke up this Morning
You upset my Baby
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