Help (Soundtrack): songbook vocal/guitar/tab recorded guitar versions
von John Lennon

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Informationen zu "Help (Soundtrack): songbook vocal/guitar/tab recorded guitar versions"

Komponist/Autor: John Lennon
Verlag: Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: HL00691031
EAN: 9781423492337
ISBN: 978-1-423-49233-7


McCartney, Paul, co-author
Note-for-Note-Transcriptions of the Beatles's Soundtrack to the Movie Help
Act naturally
Another Girl
Dizzy Miss Lizzie
I need You
It's only Love
I've just seen a Face
Tell me what You see
The Night before
Ticket to ride
You like me too much
You're going to lose that Girl
You've got to hide your Love away
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