The Harold Arlen Songbook songbook piano/vocal/guitar
von Harold Arlen

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Informationen zu "The Harold Arlen Songbook songbook piano/vocal/guitar"

Komponist/Autor: Harold Arlen
Verlag: Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: HL00359080
EAN: 9780881884258
ISBN: 978-0-88188-425-8


Over 75 Songs
Ac-cent-tchu-ate The Positive
Ain't it de Truth?
Any place I hang my Hat is Home
As long as I live
Between the Devil and the deep blue Sea
Blues in the Night
Buds won't bud
Cocoanut sweet
Come Rain or come shine
Ding-Dong, The witch is dead
Dessertation on the State of Bliss (Love and Learn)
Don't like Goodbyes
Down with Love
The Eagle and me
Fancy meeting You
For every Man there's a Woman
Fun to be fooled
Get happy
God's Country
Goose never be Peacock
Happiness is a thing called Joe
Happy with the Blues
Hit the Road to Dreamlan
Hooray for Love
House of Flowers
I gotta right to sing the Blues
I had a Love Once
I had myself a true Love
I never has seen Snow
I wonder what became of Me
I've got the World on a String
If I only had Brain
III Wind
In the Shade of the new Apple Tree
It was written in the Stars
It's only a Paper Moon
Last Night when we were young
Let's fall in Love
Let's take a walk around the BLock
Let's take the long way Home
Life's full of Consequence
Like a Straw in the Wind
Little Drops of Rain
The man that got away
Moanin' in the Mornin'
The Money Cat
The Morning after
My shining Hour
One for my Baby
Out of this World
Over the Rainbow
Paris is a lonely Town
Promise me not to love me
Push de Button
Right as the Rain
Satan's li'l Lamb
The silent Spring
A Sleepin' Bee
So long Big time
Stormy Weather (keeps rainin' all the Time)
That old bkacj Magic
That's a fine kind o' Freedom
There's a sweet wind blowin' my Way
This time the dream's on me
Today I love Ev'rybody
The Wail of the Reefer Man
What's good about Goodbye
When the Sun comes Out
When the Wind blows South
Who will it be when the Time comes
With the Sun warm upon me
A Woman's prerogative
You're the cure for what ails me
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