Charlie's angels: music from the motion picture blablabla songbook piano/vocal/

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Informationen zu "Charlie's angels: music from the motion picture blablabla songbook piano/vocal/"

Verlag: Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: HL00313173
EAN: 9780634029035
ISBN: 978-0-634-02903-5


Independent women 1 - destiny's child

Heaven must be missing an angel - tavares

You make me feel like dancing - leo sayer

Dot - destiny's child

Baby got back - sir mix-a-lot

Angel's eye - aerosmith

Barracuda - heart
Turning japanese - the vapors
Brandy you're a fine girl - looking glass
Got to give it up 1 - marvin gaye
Ya mama - fat boy slim
Groove is in the heart - deee-lite
Charlie's angels 2000 - apollo four forty
Tangerine speedo - caviar
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