The Lord of the Rings: The motion picture trilogy for easy piano
von Howard Shore

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Informationen zu "The Lord of the Rings: The motion picture trilogy for easy piano"

Komponist/Autor: Howard Shore
Verlag: Warner Brothers
Verlagsnummer: AFM0408
EAN: 9780757924149
ISBN: 978-0-7579-2414-9


Coates, Dan, arr.
The Fellowship of the Ring :
The Prophecy
In Dreams
Concerning Hobbits
The black Rider
The two Towers :
Gollum's Song
Forth Eorlingas
The Return of the King :
Into the West
Steward of Gondor
Minas Tirith

Loaded with full-color images from the films and printed on high-quality
antique paper stock, this new Dan Coates easy piano songbook is a must-have
for any fan. The book contains 11 major themes from the blockbuster trilogy.
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