The very Best of Joni Mitchell: Songbook piano/voice/guitar
von Joni Mitchell

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Informationen zu "The very Best of Joni Mitchell: Songbook piano/voice/guitar"

Komponist/Autor: Joni Mitchell
Verlag: Music Sales
Verlagsnummer: AM91734
EAN: 9780711938502
ISBN: 978-0-7119-3850-2


Big yellow taxi (Ladies of the canyon)
Blue (Blue)
Both sides now (Clouds)
California (Blue)
A case of you (Blue)
Chelsea morning (Clouds)
The circle game (Ladies of the canyon)
Court and spark (Court and spark)
Coyote (Hejira)
For the roses (For the roses)
Free man in Paris (Court and spark)
Help me (Court and spark)
The hissing of summer lawns
In France they kiss on main street (The hissing of summer lawns)
Ladies of the canyon
My old man (Blue)
Rainy night house (Ladies of the canyon)
River (Blue)
Woodstock (Ladies of the canyon)
You turn me on I'm a radio)
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