Folk Songs for Schools & Camps songbook melody line/lyrics/chord symbols

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Informationen zu "Folk Songs for Schools & Camps songbook melody line/lyrics/chord symbols"

Verlag: Mel Bay Publications
Verlagsnummer: MB94558
EAN: 9781562222345
ISBN: 978-1-562-22234-5


Silverman, Jerry, ed
99 Bottles on the Wall
A Bicycle Built for Two
All My Trials
America the Beautiful
Aunt Rhody
Battle Hymn of the Republic
Bile them Cabbage Down
Blow the Man Down
Bold Fisherman
Bowling Green
Bury Me Not on the Lone Prairie
Camptown Races
Careless Love
Come and Go With Me
Comin' Through the Rye
Deep Blue Sea
Do Lord
Dona Nobis Pacem
Down By the Riverside
Down in the Valley
Drill, Ye Tarriers, Drill
E-Ri-E Canal
Everybody Loves Saturday Night
Father Abraham
For He's a Jolly Good Fellow
Froggie Went A-Courtin
Gee But I Want to Go Home
Goin' Down the Road Feelin' Bad
Green Corn
Hail Hail the Gang's All Here
He's Got the Whole World in His Hand
Hey Ho, Nobody's Home
Hey Lolly, Lolly
Hi! Cheerily Ho
Home in That Rock
Home on the Range
I Love the Mountains
I'm on My Way
I've Been Working on the Railroad
Jacob's Ladder
Jennie Jenkins
John B.
John Brown's Body
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt
Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho
Land of the Silver Birch
Loch Lomond
Lonesome Valley
Michael Row the Boat Ashore
My Bonny Lies Over the Ocean
My Home's Across the Smoky Mountain
No Hiding Place
O Mary Don't You Weep
Oats, Peas and Barley Grow
Oh Sinner Man
Old Joe Clark
Old Time Religion
On Top of Old Smoky
Once There Were Three Fishermen
Pay Me My Money Down
Peace Like a River
Pick a Bale of Cotton
Putting on the Style
Red River Valley
Reuben and Rachel
Rise and Shine
Rock-a-My Soul
Round the Bay of Mexico
Sail Away Ladies
Scotland's Burning
Shady Grove
She'll Be Comin' Round the Mountain
Skip to My Lou
Star Spangled Banner
Swing Low Sweet Chariot
Take This Hammer
The Boll Weevil
The Caissons Go Rolling Along
The Keeper
The Marine's Hymn
The Noble Duke of York
The Old Gray Mare
The Sidewalks of New York
The Streets of Glory
The Titanic
The Yellow Rose of Texas
This Little Light of Mine
This Train
Wade in the Water
What Shall We Do with the Drunken Sailor
When Johnny Comes Marching Home
When the Saints Go Marching In
Who Did Swallow Jonah
Worried Man Blues
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