Songs of the British Isles: songbook piano/vocal/guitar

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Informationen zu "Songs of the British Isles: songbook piano/vocal/guitar"

Verlag: Mel Bay Publications
Verlagsnummer: MB94706
EAN: 9781562224264
ISBN: 978-1-562-22426-4


Silverman, Jerry, ed
Mel Bay Archive Editions
Barbara Allen
Benbow the Brother Tar
Brave Wolfe
Captain Kidd
The cruel War
The cutty Wren
Drink to me only with thine Eyes
High Barbaree
High Germany
Lincolnshire Poacher
Scarborough Fair
Tell me Boys have You any Complaints
The three Ravens
Tobacco's but an Indian Weed
Two Maids went a-milking one Day
The Vicar of Bray
Villikins and his Dinah
The Willow Song
The croppy Boy
Drill Ye Tarriers drill
The Easter Rebellion
Father Murphy
Felix the Soldier
Green grows the Laurel
The Harp that once
Johnny I hardly knew You
Join the British Army
The Jug of Punch
Kevin Barry
Kilgary Mountain
Mountains of Mourne Bendemeer's Stream
The next Market Day
The old orange Flute
Old Rosin the Beau
Pat Murphy of the Irish Brigade
She moved through the Fair
The Wearing of the Green
Will You go Lassie go
Annie Laurie
Auld Lang Syne
Bonnie Charlie's now Awa'
Bonnie Dundee
The Bonnie Earl of Murray
The Bonnie House of o'Airlie
Charlie is my Darling
The four Marys
Hurree Hurroo
Is there for honest Poverty (A Man's a Man for a' that)
John Highlandman
Johnnie Cope
MacPherson's Farewell
My Luve is like a red red Rose
Scots Wha Hae
Skye Boat Song
Sodger Laddie
The Wee Magic Stane
The Work of the Weavers
All through the Night
Bells of Rhymney
The blind Harper
Cavalier Song
Chirk Castle
Cosher Bailey's Engine
Dear Harp of my Country
Deck the Halls
The dimpled Cheek
The Flowers of the Hearth
General Monk's March
The inspired Bard
Jenny Jones
Jenny's Mantle
Loth to Depart
The Maid of Llanwellyn
Megan's Daughter
Men of Harlech
The Shepherd's Absence
The withered Leaf
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