Folk Fest: chord songbook Over 40 songs with lyrics, guitar chord boxes and chord symbols

14,99 €
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Informationen zu "Folk Fest: chord songbook Over 40 songs with lyrics, guitar chord boxes and chord symbols"

Verlag: Faber Music Ltd.
Verlagsnummer: 0571526748
EAN: 9780571526741
ISBN: 978-0-571-52674-1


Albion Heart
Annie's Song
Another quiet Night in England
At Seventeen
Barbara Allen
Closer to Fine
Danny Boy
Diamonds & Rust
Dirty old Town
Everything You need
A Father & a Son
Finnegan's Wake
Fisherman's Blues
Flame turns blue
From both Sides now
The Galway Farmer
Game of all Fours
I walk the Line
If I had a Hammer
If I were a Carpenter
I'm going to be (500 Miles)
The Irish Rover
Let it blow
Light Flight
The lucky One
Part of the Union
The Queen & the Soldier
Rising for the Moon
Rosemary Lane
Scarborough Fair
The Setting of the Sun
She moved through the Fair
Song to the Siren
The Streets of London
This Land is your Land
Universe & U
Who knows where the Time goes
Where are You tonight
A Woman like You
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