Jazz Ballads: songbook piano/vocal/guitar

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Informationen zu "Jazz Ballads: songbook piano/vocal/guitar"

Verlag: Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: HL00311672
EAN: 9780793533183
ISBN: 978-0-7935-3318-3


Autumn in New York
Body and Soul
But beautiful
Can't help lovin' dat Man
Come Rain or come Shine
Darn that Dream
God bless the Child
Here's that rainy Day
I can't get started with You
I concentrate on You
I didn't know what Time it was
I remember You
I'll never smile again
If I should lose You
In a sentimental Mood
It could happen to You
June in January
Like someone in Love
Lover Man
Mood Indigo
Moonlight becomes You
Moonlight in Vermont
More than You know
M< foolish Heart
My funny Valentine
My old Flame
My one and only Love
My Romance
My silent Love
The Nearness of You
A Nightingale sang in Berkely Square
Sophisticated Lady
Stella by Starlight
Stormy Weather
The very Thought of You
When I fall in Love
You are too beautiful
You don't know what Love is
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