The best Jazz Standards ever 3rd Edition for piano/vocal/guitar Songbook

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Informationen zu "The best Jazz Standards ever 3rd Edition for piano/vocal/guitar Songbook"

Verlag: Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: HL00311641
EAN: 9780793529582
ISBN: 978-0-7935-2958-2


All of me

All the Things you are

April in Paris

Autumn in New York


The blue Room

Body and Soul
But beautiful
Call me irresponsible
Dancing on the Ceiling
Day by Day
Do nothin' till you hear from me
Don't get around much anymore
Falling in Love with Love
A fine Romance
Georgia on my Mind
God bless' the Child
Have you met Miss Jones

Hello young Lovers

Here's that rainy Day

I can't get started with you

I could write a Book

I didn't know what Time it was

I get along without you very well

I got it bad and that ain't good
I hear Music
I'll never smile again
I'll remember April
I'm beginning to see the Light
I've got you under my Skin
If i should lose you
In a sentimental Mood
In the wee small Hours of the Morning
Isn't it romantic
It could happen to you
It don't mean a Thing if it ain't got that swing
It might as well be Spring

June in January

Like someone in Love

Love is the sweetest Thing


Lover man oh where can you be


Mona Lisa
Mood indigo
Moonlight becomes you
Mountain Greenery
My Heart stood still
My old Flame
My Romance
My silent Love
The Nearness of you
A Night in Tunesia
Out of nowhere
Penthouse Serenade
Quiet Nights of quiet Stars

Satin Doll

Sophisticated Lady

Stella by Starlight


Teach me tonight

These foolish Things remind me of you

This can't be Love
Thou swell
The very thought of you
When sunny gets blue
You are too beautiful
You brought a new Kind of love to me
You don't know what Love is
You took Advantage of me
You turned the Tables on me
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