The Chicago Fake Book: C Edition

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Informationen zu "The Chicago Fake Book: C Edition"

Verlag: Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: HL00306125
EAN: 9780793570775
ISBN: 978-0-7935-7077-5


Alive again
Along comes a Woman
A.M. Morning
Another rainy Day in New York City
At the Sunrise
Baby what a big Surprise
Call on me
Colour my World
Does anybody relly know what Time it is
Explain it to my Heart
Feelin' stringer every Day
Get away
Happy Man
Hard habit to brwak
hard to say I'm sorry
Harry Truman
I don't wonna live without your Love
If she would have been faithful
If you leave me now
Just you 'n' me
Look awy
Love me tomorrow
Make me smile
Man to Woman
Niagara Falls
No tell Lover
Nothin's gonna stop us now
Old Days
P.M. Morning
Poem for the People
Questions 67 and 68
Saturday in the Park
Searchin' so long
Sonny think twice
Stay the night
Thunder and Lightning
25 or 6 to 4
We can stop the Hurtin'
What Kind of Man would I be
Where do we go from here
Will you still love me
Wishing you were her
You're the Inspiration
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