Hal David Songbook: for piano/ vocal/guitar

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Informationen zu "Hal David Songbook: for piano/ vocal/guitar"

Verlag: Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: HL00490423
EAN: 9780793500321
ISBN: 978-0-7935-0032-1


There's always something there to remind me
Americam beauty rose
Any old time of the day
Anyone who had a heart
The April fools
Bell bottom blues
Blue on blue
Broken-hearted melody
Close to you
Do you know the way to San Jose
Don't make me over
The green grass starts to grow
A house is not a home
I say a little prayer
I'll never fall in love again
It was almost like a song
The look of love
Magic moments
Make it easy to on yourself
The man who shot Liberty Valance
Message to Michael
My little red book
99 miles from L.A.
One less bell to answer
Only love can break a heart
Paper mache
Promises promises
Raindrops keep falling
Reach out for me
Sea of heartbreak
This guy's in love with you
To all the girls I've loved before
Trains and boats and planes
Twenty-four hours from Tulsa
Walk on by
What the world needs is love
What's new pussycat
Whoever you are I love you
The windows of the world
Wishin' and hopin'
Wives and lovers
The world is a circle
You'll never get to heaven
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