Ain't misbehavin: vocal selections
von Thomas Fats Waller

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Informationen zu "Ain't misbehavin: vocal selections"

Komponist/Autor: Thomas Fats Waller
Verlag: Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: HL00359040
EAN: 9780881885347
ISBN: 978-0-88188-534-7


Ain't misbehavin'
What did I do to be so black and blue
Get some Cash for your Trash
Find out what They like and how They like It
Handful of Keys
Honeysuckle Rose
How y a Baby
I can't give You Anything but Love
I'm gonna sit right down and write myself a Letter
It's a Sin to tell a Lie
I've got a Feeling I'm falling
The Jitterbug Waltz
The Joint is jumpin'
Keepin' out of Mischief now
The Ladies who sing with the Band
Lookin' good but feelin' bad
Lounging at the Waldorf
Mean to Me
Squeeze Me
'Tain't Nobody's Biz-ness if I do
That ain't right
When the Nylons bloom again
Yacht Club swing
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