Soul Piano Songbook piano/vocal/guitar songbook

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Informationen zu "Soul Piano Songbook piano/vocal/guitar songbook"

Verlag: Faber Music Ltd.
Verlagsnummer: 057153449X
EAN: 9780571534494
ISBN: 978-0-571-53449-4


All the Love in the World
Baby Love
Didn't I blow your Mind this Time
Dry Land
Endless Love
Hanging on too long
I put a Spell on you
I say a little Prayer
I try
I want you back
If you don't know me by now
Lately Love is a losing Game
Mad about the Boy
Me and Mrs Jones
My old Piano
(You make me feel like) a natural Woman
No more Drama
Piano in the Dark
Piece of my Heart
Please Mr Postman
Save the Best for last
(Sittin' on) the Dock of the Bay
What a wonderful World
What becomes of the broken Hearted
What'd I say
You are Everything
You're the First, the Last, my Everything
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