The Fifties vol.4: 70 years of popular music Piano/vocal/guitar hold me thrill me kiss me

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Informationen zu "The Fifties vol.4: 70 years of popular music Piano/vocal/guitar hold me thrill me kiss me"

Verlag: Warner Brothers
Verlagsnummer: 1859095453
EAN: 9781859095454
ISBN: 978-1-85909-545-4


Ain't that a shame

The Banana Boat Song

The best is yet to come

Book of Love

Daddy Cool

The Dixieland Ball

Do you want to dance
Earth Angel
Get me to the Church on Time
Heartbreak Hotel
I haer you knocking
I put a spell on you
If I had a Hammer
Island in the Sun
It's all right with me
Johnny B Good
Lazy Afternoon
Let the Good Times roll
Love and Marriage
Now you has Jazz

Oh Carol

The old Landmark

Reet petite

Reelin' and rockin'

Rip it up

Rock and Roll Music

Ruby Baby
Somethin' else
Straight down the Middle
Summertime Blues
Sweet little sixteen
Tutti frutti
Whole lotta Shakin' goin' on
With a little Bit of Luck
Yakety Yak
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