The Best of The Beatles (+audio online): Songbook acoustic guitar/tab

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Informationen zu "The Best of The Beatles (+audio online): Songbook acoustic guitar/tab"

Verlag: Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: HL00695453
EAN: 9780634014178
ISBN: 978-0-634-01417-8


Across the Universe

And I love her



Her Majesty

Her comes the Sun

Hey Jude
I will
I'm looking through you
I've just seen a Face
Long long long
Lovely Rita
Mother Nature's Son
Norwegian Wood
This Bird has flown
Rocky Raccoon
Till there was you
Two of us


You've got to hide your Love away
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The Best of The Beatles (+audio online): Songbook acoustic guitar/tabThe Best of The Beatles (+audio online): Songbook acoustic guitar/tabThe Best of The Beatles (+audio online): Songbook acoustic guitar/tabThe Best of The Beatles (+audio online): Songbook acoustic guitar/tab