All-Time greatest Love Songs: Songbook piano/voice/guitar

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Informationen zu "All-Time greatest Love Songs: Songbook piano/voice/guitar"

Verlag: Music Sales
Verlagsnummer: AM943998
EAN: 9780711965720
ISBN: 978-0-7119-6572-0


Ain't no Mountain high enough

All for Love


And I love her

And I love you so

Angel Eyes (Home and away)

Annie's Song
Anyone who had a Heart
Could it be Magic
Endless Love
Eternal Flame
Falling into you
Hard to say I'm sorry
Have I told you lately
How deep is your Love
I am blessed
I can't stop loving you
I just want to make love to you
It's impossible (Somos novios)
Just like starting over

Starting over

Killing me softly with his Song

Lovin' you

No more I love you's

Ocean Drive

One Moment in Time

So amazing
Something's gotten hold of my Heart
The Wind beneath my Wings
To love somebody
Unchained Melody
Until it's Time for you to go
Up where we belong
Without you
Wonderful tonight
You are not alone
You must love me
Your Song
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