Patsy Cline: Original Keys for Singers songbook for piano/vocal

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Informationen zu "Patsy Cline: Original Keys for Singers songbook for piano/vocal"

Verlag: Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: AM947639
EAN: 9780793575732
ISBN: 978-0-7935-7573-2



Back in Baby's Arms

Blue Moon of Kentucky


Faded Love

Foolin' 'round

Half as much
Have you ever been lonely?
He called me Baby
I fall to Pieces
I love you so much it hurts
It wasn't God who made honky tonk Angels
Just a closer Walk with thee
Loose talk
A poor Man's Roses
She's got you
So wrong
Sweet Dreams
Three Cigarettes in an Ashtray

True Love

Walkin' after Midnight

When I get through with you

Why can't he be you

You belong to me

You're stronger than me

Your cheatin' Heart
Original Keys for Singers
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