Je chante Simon and Garfunkel: 25 chansons paroles seules avec accords pour tous instruments

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Informationen zu "Je chante Simon and Garfunkel: 25 chansons paroles seules avec accords pour tous instruments"

Verlag: Editions Paul Beuscher
Verlagsnummer: PB1162
EAN: 3137990011628


A hazy Shade of Winter


At the Zoo

Baby Driver


Bridge over troubled Water

El condor pasa (if I could)
If I could
For Emily whenever I may find her
Homeward Bound
I am a Rock
Kathy's Song
Keep the Customer satisfied
Late in the Evening
Mrs. Robinson
Old Friends
Scarborough Fair/canticle
So long Frank Lloyd Wright

Song for the asking

The 59th Street Bridge Song (feelin' groovy

Feelin' groovy

The Boxer

The only living Boy in New York

The Sound of Silence

Wednesday Morning 3 a.m.
Why don't you write me
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