Buskers 21st Century Pop: melody line arrangements complete with lyrics & chord symbols

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Informationen zu "Buskers 21st Century Pop: melody line arrangements complete with lyrics & chord symbols"

Verlag: Music Sales
Verlagsnummer: AM976822
EAN: 9780711998742
ISBN: 978-0-7119-9874-2


Ain't it funny

All theTthings she said

Anyone of us (stupid Mistake)


Can't get you out of my Head

Caught in the Middle

Don't know why
Don't stop movin'
Eternal Flame
Freak like me
Get the party started
I'm not a Girl not yet a Woman
If you come back
If you're not the one
I'm outta Love
Just a little

The Ketchup Song (Asereje)

Kiss kiss

Light my Fire

The long and winding Road

On a Night like this

One Love

Pure and simple
Pure Shores
Queen of my Heart
Sacred Trust
Somthin' stupid
A thousand Miles
The Tide is high (get the feeling)
Unchained Melody
What if
What took you so long?
Whenever wherever
Whole again
You and I

Your Song

21st Century Pop
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