Soul Classics: Songbook piano/vocal/guitar

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Informationen zu "Soul Classics: Songbook piano/vocal/guitar"

Verlag: Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: HL00310668
EAN: 9780634020896
ISBN: 978-0-634-02089-6


After the Love has gone

Ain't nothing like the real Thing

Baby what you wnat me to do

But it's alright

Can't get anough of your Love Babe

Cold sweat

Dancing in the Street
Everybody plays the Fool sometime
Get up
Got to give it up
Grazing in the Grass
I can't get next to you
I can't stop loving you
I got the Feelin'
I got you
I heard it through the Grapevine
I second that Emotion
I want you back

I'll be there

I'm losing you

If i were your Woman

It's a Man's Man's Man's world

It's your Thing

Just once

Lady Marmelade
Let's get it on
Living for the City
Lonely Teardrops
Love Child
Mercy mercy me
Mustang Sally
A natural Woman
Nowhere to run
Oh Girl
Oo Baby Baby
Pain in my Heart
Papa was a Rollin' Stone
Papa's got a brand new Bag

A rainy Night in Georgia

Say it loud


Sexual Healing

Shining Star

Signed sealed delivered I'm yours

Sir Duke
Smiling Faces sometimes
Tell it like it is
That's the Way of the World
This will be
Too busy thinking about my Baby
The tracks of my Tears
The Way you do the Things you do
What's going on
You've really got a hold on me

Higher and higher
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