Johnny Green: Body and Soul songbook piano/vocal/guitar
von Johnny Green

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Informationen zu "Johnny Green: Body and Soul songbook piano/vocal/guitar"

Komponist/Autor: Johnny Green
Verlag: Music Sales
Verlagsnummer: MTG10003
EAN: 9780711926806
ISBN: 978-0-7119-2680-6


22 Evergreen Standards
Body and Soul

An hour ago this minute

Baby you're news

Body and soul


Easy come easy go
Hello my lover goodbye
I cover the waterfront
I heard you were lovely
I wanna be loved
I'm yours
Like monday follows sunday
Never a dull moment
Never till now
Oceans of time
Not bad
Out of nowhere
Repeal the blues
Something in the wind

The steam is on the beam

Weep no more my baby

You and your love

You're mine you
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