R & B Ballads (+CD): piano playalong vol.20 songbook piano/vocal/guitar

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Informationen zu "R & B Ballads (+CD): piano playalong vol.20 songbook piano/vocal/guitar"

Verlag: Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: HL00311163
EAN: 9780634086748
ISBN: 978-0-634-08674-8


Play 8 of your favorite Hits with Sound-alike CD Tracks
Rhythm and Blues
After the Love has gone
All in Love is fair
I'll be there
Let's stay together
Midnight Train to Georgia
Tell it like it is
Three Times a Lady
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R & B Ballads (+CD): piano playalong vol.20 songbook piano/vocal/guitarR & B Ballads (+CD): piano playalong vol.20 songbook piano/vocal/guitarR & B Ballads (+CD): piano playalong vol.20 songbook piano/vocal/guitarR & B Ballads (+CD): piano playalong vol.20 songbook piano/vocal/guitarR & B Ballads (+CD): piano playalong vol.20 songbook piano/vocal/guitar