Elton John: Rocket Man - The Definitive Hits songbook piano/vocal/guitar
von Elton John

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Informationen zu "Elton John: Rocket Man - The Definitive Hits songbook piano/vocal/guitar"

Komponist/Autor: Elton John
Verlag: Music Sales
Verlagsnummer: AM990693
EAN: 9781847721228
ISBN: 978-1-8477-2122-8


20 classic Songs
Bennie and the Jets
Philadelphia Freedom
Rocket Man (I think it's going to be a long long Time)
I guess that's why they call it the Blues
Tiny Dancer
Don't let the Sun go down on me
I want Love
Candle in the Wind
Crocodile Rock
I'm still standing
Saturday Night's alright (for fighting)
Your Song
Sorry seems to be the hardest Word
Goodbye yellow Brick Road
Are You ready for Love
Can You feel the Love tonight
The Bitch is back
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