Bob Seger (+CD): play 8 of your favorite songs for guitar with tab Hal leonard guitar playalong vol.29

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Informationen zu "Bob Seger (+CD): play 8 of your favorite songs for guitar with tab Hal leonard guitar playalong vol.29"

Verlag: Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: HL00699647
EAN: 9780634079313
ISBN: 978-0-634-07931-3


Against the wind
Betty Lou's gettin' out tonight
Betty Lou is getting out tonight
Hollywood nights
Night moves
Old time rock and roll
Rock and roll never forgets
Still the same
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Bob Seger (+CD): play 8 of your favorite songs for guitar with tab Hal leonard guitar playalong vol.29Bob Seger (+CD): play 8 of your favorite songs for guitar with tab Hal leonard guitar playalong vol.29Bob Seger (+CD): play 8 of your favorite songs for guitar with tab Hal leonard guitar playalong vol.29Bob Seger (+CD): play 8 of your favorite songs for guitar with tab Hal leonard guitar playalong vol.29Bob Seger (+CD): play 8 of your favorite songs for guitar with tab Hal leonard guitar playalong vol.29Bob Seger (+CD): play 8 of your favorite songs for guitar with tab Hal leonard guitar playalong vol.29