The early 80s: songbook for piano/vocal/guitar the history of rock

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Informationen zu "The early 80s: songbook for piano/vocal/guitar the history of rock"

Verlag: Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: HL00311619
EAN: 9780793522255
ISBN: 978-0-7935-2225-5


All through the night
Call me
Do you really want to hurt me
Don't you want me
Ebony and ivory
Even the nights are better
Every breath you take
Flashdance what a feeling
Hard to say I'm sorry
Hit me with your best shot
I love rock'n'roll
I'm so excited
It's still rock and roll to me
Jessie's girl
Jump for my love
Karma chameleon
King of pain
Leader of the band
Let's groove
Let's hear it for the bo<
Love is a battlefield
Missing you
99 red balloons (99 Luftballons)
No more lonely nights
The one that you love
Owner of a lonely heart
Say say say
Sexual healing
She works hard for the money
Just like starting over
Sweet dreams
Total eclipse of the heart
Up where we belong
Uptown girl
Wake me up before you go-go
What's love got to do with it
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