1970-1980 50 great Hits: Songbook piano/vocal/guitar

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Informationen zu "1970-1980 50 great Hits: Songbook piano/vocal/guitar"

Verlag: Music Sales
Verlagsnummer: AM949311
EAN: 9780711955400
ISBN: 978-0-7119-5540-0


Ain't love a bitch

Alone again (naturally)

At seventeen

Bad, bad, leroy brown

Bright eyes

Can't smile without you

Chanson d`amour
Does your mother know
Don't go breaking my heart
Don't it make my brown eyes blue
Fool (if you think it's over)
Forever in blue jeans
I will survive
I write the songs
If you know what i mean
In the navy

Just the way you are

Knowing me knowing you

Lucky stars

Lyin' eyes

Miss you nights

Music box dancer

Nobody does it better
One of these nights
Pearl`s a singer
Piano man
Rivers of babylon
Rocket man
She believes in me
So you win again
Sometimes when we touch
Song for guy
Streets of london
Summer breeze
Take a chance on me
Talking in your sleep

Thank you for the music

The name of the game

Tryin to get the feeling again

Way down

We don't talk anymore

We're all alone

Year of the cat
You don't bring me flowers
You light up my life
You're so vain
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