The great American Songbook melody line/lyrics/chord boxes songbook

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Informationen zu "The great American Songbook melody line/lyrics/chord boxes songbook"

Verlag: Alfred Music Publishing GmbH
Verlagsnummer: ALF27526
EAN: 9780739045121
ISBN: 978-0-7390-4512-1


Essential Guitar Library
All of You
Am I blue
Anything goes
As Time goes by
At last
Begin the Beguine
The best Things in Life are free
Blue Moon
But not for me
Come fly with me
Do nothing 'til You hear from me
Don't get around much anymore
Embraceable You
A foggy Day
I can't get started
I could write a Book
I get a Kick out of You
I got Rhythm
I only have Eyes for You
I wanna be around
I'll be seeing You
I'll see You in my Dreams
I'm in the Mood for Love
It had to be You
I've got a Crush on You
I've got You under my Skin
I've grown accustomed to her Face
The Lady is a Tramp
Let's do it
Love for Sale
Love is here to stay
More than You know
My funny Valentine
Night and Day
Over the Rainbow
Pennies from Heaven
'S wonderful
Satin Doll
Someone to watch over me
Stormy Weather
Summer Wind
They can't take that away from me
What a wonderful World
What's new
When I fall in Love
Where or when
You go to my Head
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