Great Songs of the Sixties: songbook piano/voice/guitar

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Informationen zu "Great Songs of the Sixties: songbook piano/voice/guitar"

Verlag: Music Sales
Verlagsnummer: HLE90000110
EAN: 9780711964136
ISBN: 978-0-7119-6413-6


A man and a woman (un homme ut une femme)

A taste of honey

A time for us (love theme)

A whiter shade of pale


All you need is love

Blowin' in the wind
Bridge over troubled water
Caligornia dremin'
Call me irresponsible
Can't help falling in love
Chim chim cher-ee
Eleanor rigby
Georgia on my mind
Goin' out of my head
Good vibrations
Here, there and everywhere

I want to hold your hand

I will follow him (i will follow you)

I will wait for you

If i had a hammer (the hammer song)

It's not unusual

King of the road

Leaving on a jet plane
Light my fire
Little green apples
Macarthur park
Monday, monday
Moon river
No particular place to go
Raindrops keep fallin' on my head
Somewhere, my love
Stand by me
Strangers in the night
Summer samba (so nice)

Take five

The girl from ipanema

The lion sleeps tonight

The shadow of your smile

Theme from lawrence of arabia

Lawrence of arabia

Those were the days
Twist and shout
What are you doing the rest of your life?
What kind of fool am i?
What the world needs now is love
Where have all the flowers gone?
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