Speak softly Love: Compilation of over 40 songs for piano, voice and guitar

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Informationen zu "Speak softly Love: Compilation of over 40 songs for piano, voice and guitar"

Verlag: Music Sales
Verlagsnummer: AM958012
EAN: 9780711973824
ISBN: 978-0-7119-7382-4


Memorable Ballads

A man and a Woman =

Un homme et une femme

After the Love has gone

All the Way

Alone again

Always on my Mind
Better love next Time
Bye bye Love
Come live your life with me
Feelings (Dime)
For the good Times
Goodbye to Love
I dreamed a Dream from
Les Miserables
I remember you
I who have nothing

If you could read my Mind

Isn't it romantic

It's over

Let it be me (je t'appartiens)

Let's put it all together

Love hurts

Lovin' you
Miss you
Moonlight becomes you
People will say we're in love
Raining in my Heart
Saving all my Love for you
Sometimes when we touch
Speak softly Love
Strangers in the Night
Tears in Heaven
The Look of Love
The Nearness of you
They long to be close to you
This Guy's in Love with you

Together we are beautiful

True Love Ways

Until it's Time for you to go

Where is the Love

Without you

You always hurt the one you love
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