The Corrs Collection: 3 volume set featuring piano/vocal/guitar arrangements of 44 essential tracks by The Corrs

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Informationen zu "The Corrs Collection: 3 volume set featuring piano/vocal/guitar arrangements of 44 essential tracks by The Corrs"

Verlag: Music Sales
Verlagsnummer: AM971861
EAN: 9990051401288


Forgiven not forgotten :

Erin Shore intro

Forgiven not forgotten

Heaven knows

Along with the Girls


The right Time
The Mistrel Boy
Toss the Feathers
Love to love you
Secret Life
Carraroe Jig
Leave me alone
Erin Shore
Talk on Corners :
Only when I sleep
When he's not around

What can I do

I never loved you anyway

So young

Don't say you love me

Love gives love takes

Hopelesly addicted

Paddy McCarthy
Queen of Hollywood
No good for me
Little Wing
In blue :
Give me a Reason
Somebody for someone
All the Love in the World
One Night

All in a Day

At your Side

No more cry


Give it all up

Hurt before

Rebel Heart
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