Great Songs of Forties: Songbook piano/vocal/guitar

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Informationen zu "Great Songs of Forties: Songbook piano/vocal/guitar"

Verlag: Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: HLE90000099
EAN: 9780711964112
ISBN: 978-0-7119-6411-2


Memories of a dramatic Decade
53 classic Hits from the 40s

A Dream is a Wish your Heart makes

Across the Alley from the Alamo

All or nothing at all

All through the Day

Anniversary Song
Baby it's cold outside
Bali ha'i
Beat me Daddy eight to the Bar
Besame mucho
Blue Champagne
Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy
Bye bye Baby
Chiquita Banana
Cruising down the River
Day by Day
Diamonds are a Girls best Friend
Don't get around much anymore

Everything happens to me

I love you for sentimental Reasons

God bless the Child

Good Morning Heartache

Have I told you lately

I'll remember April

I'm beginning to see the Light
I've got a lovely Bunch of Coconuts
If I loved you
It might as well be Spring
It's a grand Night for singing
Kit's a most unusual Day
Long ago and far away
Mairzy Doats
Moonlight becomes you
Oh what a beautiful Mornin'
On a slow Boat to China
Opus one
People will say we're in Love

Some enchanted Evening

Take the A Train

Taking a Chance on Love


That old black Magic

The American Patrol

The last Time I saw Paris
The Nearness of you
There I've said it again
Tuxedo Junction
We'll meet again
You'll never walk alone
Younger than Springtime
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