The Irving Berlin Fake Book: 165 songs Melodieausgabe mit Akkordsymbolen
von Irving Berlin

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Informationen zu "The Irving Berlin Fake Book: 165 songs Melodieausgabe mit Akkordsymbolen"

Komponist/Autor: Irving Berlin
Verlag: Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: HL00240043
EAN: 9780793512942
ISBN: 978-0-7935-1294-2


Looking at you across the Breakfast Table

Across the Vreakfast Table

After you get what you want you don't want it

Alexander's Ragtime Band

All alone

All by myself

All of my Life
Any Bonds today
Anything you can do
At Peace with the World
Back to back
Be careful it's my Heart
Because I love you
The best Thing for you
The best Things happen when you're dancing
Better Luck next Time
Blue Skies
But where are you
Call me up some rainy Afternoon

The Call of the South

Change Partners

Cheek to Cheek

Colonel Buffalo Bill


Count your blessing instead of Sheep

A couple of Song and Dance Men
A Couple of Swells
I'll see you in Cuba
Doin' what comes natur'lly
Don't be afraid of Romance
Don't wait too long
Easter Parade
Empty Pockets filled with Love
Everybody knew but me
Everybody Step
Everybody's doin' it now
Falling out of Love can be Fun
A Fella with an Umbrella

Fools fall in Love

For the very first Time

The Freedom Train

Gee I wish I was back in the Army

Get thee behind me Satan

Getting nowhere (running...)

Running around in Circles
The Girl on the Magazine Cover
The Girl on the Police Gazette
The Girl that I marry
Give me your tired your poor
God bless America
Happy Holiday
Harlem on my Mind
Heat Wave
The Hostess with the mostes' on the Ball
How about me
How deep is the Ocean
How many Times

How's Chances

I got lost in his Arms

I got the Sun in the Morning

I keep running away from you

I left my Heart at the Stage Door Cantine

I love a Piano

I never had a Chance
I say it's Spinach
I used to be Colour blind
I want to go back to Michigan
I'd rather lead a Band
I'll capture your Heart singing
I'll share it all with you
I'm a bad bad Man
I'm getting tired so I can sleep
I'm going back to the Farm
I'm playing with Fire
I'm putting all my Eggs in one Basket
I'm sorry for myself
I've got my Love to keep me warm

If you don't want me

Is he the only Man in the World

Isn't this a lovely Day

It only happens when I dance with you

It's a lovely Day today

It's a lovely Day tomorrow

Kate (have...)
Have I come too early too late
Lady of the Evening
Let me sing and I'm happy
Let yourself go
Let's face the Music and Mance
Let's have another Cup of Coffee
Let's start the new Year right
Let's take an old-fashioned Walk
Little Fish in a big Pond
The little Things in Life
Louisiana Purchase
Love and the Weather

Love you didn't do right by me


Manhattan Madness


Marrying for Love

Maybe it's because I love you too much

Moonshine Lullaby
Mr. Monotony
My Defenses are down
My walking Stick
No Strings (I'm fency...)
I'm fency free
Nobody knows and nobody seems to care
Now it can be told
Oh how I hate to get up in the Morning
An old fashioned Tune always is new
An old fashioned Wedding
Only for Americans
Outside of that I love you

Paris wakes up and smiles

The Piccolino

Play a simple Melody

A pretty Girl is like a Melody

Puttin' on the Ritz

Reaching for the Moon

Roses of yesterday
Russian Lullaby
Say it isn't so
Say it with Music
Shaking the Blues away
Slumming on Park Avenue
Snookey Ookums
Soft lights and sweet Music
Some sunny Day
The Song is ended
Song of Freedom

Steppin' out with my Baby

Supper Time

Tell me little Gypsy

That international Rag

There's no Business like Show Business

They say it's wonderful

This is a great Country
This is the Army Mr. Jones
This Year's Kisses
Top Hat white Tie and Tails
Waiting at the End of the Road
The Waltz of long ago
Washington Square Dance
Washington Twist
We saw the Sea
We'll never know
What Chance have I with Love
What'll I do
When I leave the world behind
When I lost you

When the Midnight choo-choo leaves for Alabam'

When Winter comes

White Christmas

With my Head on the Clouds

With you

You can have him

You can't brush me off
You can't get a Man with a Gun
You keep coming back like a Song
You'd be surprised
You're easy to dance with
I wonder why (you're just..)
You're just in Love
You're laughing at me
You're lonely and I'm lonely
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