Whitney Houston: Greatest Hits piano/vocal/chords Songbook

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Informationen zu "Whitney Houston: Greatest Hits piano/vocal/chords Songbook"

Verlag: Warner Brothers
Verlagsnummer: PFM0028
EAN: 9780757995149
ISBN: 978-0-7579-9514-9


Greatest Hits

You give good Love

Saving all my Love for you

All at once

If you say my Eyes are beautiful

Didn't we almost have it all

Where do broken Hearts go
All the Man that I need
Run to you
I have nothing
I will always love you
Exhale shoop shoop
Why does it hurt so bad
I believe in you and me
Heartbreak Hotel
My Love is your Love
Same Script different Cast
Could I have this Kiss forever
If I told you that

It's not right but it's okay

I learned from the best

Step by Step

I'm every Woman

Queen of the Night

Love will save the Day

I'm your Baby tonight
So emotional
I wanna dance with somebody
How will I know
Greatest Love of all
One Moment in Time
The Star spangled Banner

This matching folio to The Greatest Hits album features all 36 titles and
includes four beautiful, full-color pages.
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