The Songs of Irving Berlin: Movie Songs songbook piano/voice/guitar
von Irving Berlin

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Informationen zu "The Songs of Irving Berlin: Movie Songs songbook piano/voice/guitar"

Komponist/Autor: Irving Berlin
Verlag: Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: HL00308090
EAN: 9780793503797
ISBN: 978-0-7935-0379-7


Be careful it's my Heart

Happy Holiday

Let's start the new Year right

Plenty to be thankful for

White Christmas

You'r easy to dance with from

Holiday Inn
The best Things happen while you're dancing
Love you didn't do right by me
Sisters from
White Christmas
Better Luck next Time from
A Couple of Swells
Easter Parade
It only happens when i dance with you
Steppin' out with my Baby from
Easter Parade
Change Partners
I used to be Color blind from

Cheek to Cheek

Isn't this a lovely Day

No strings the Piccolino

Top hat white Tie and Tails from

Top Hat

I'd rather lead a Band

I'm putting all my Eggs in one Basket
Let yourself go
Let's face the Music and dance from
Follow the Fleet
Now it can be told from
Alexander's Ragtime Band
This Year's Kisses
You're laughing at me from
On the Avenue
When Winter come from
Second Fiddler
You keep coming back like a Song from
Blue Skies
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