The Ahrens and Flaherty Songbook: piano/vocal/chords

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Informationen zu "The Ahrens and Flaherty Songbook: piano/vocal/chords"

Verlag: Warner Brothers
Verlagsnummer: ALF0483B
EAN: 9780757900921
ISBN: 978-0-7579-0092-1


All those Christmas cliches

Seussical :

Alone in the Universe

How lucky you are

It's possible

Oh the Thinks you can think

Solla Sollew
Anastasia :
At the Beginning
Journey to the Past
Once upon a December
Ragtime :
Back to before
Make them hear you
New Music
Our Children
Wheels of a Dream
Once on this Island :
Come down from the Tree

The human Heart

Mam will provide

Waiting for Life

The glorious ones :

I was here

My favorite Year :

If the World were like the Movies
Larger than Life
A man of no Importance :
Love who you love
Streets of Dublin
Lucky Stiff :
Times like this
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