Hank Williams complete (128 songs) piano/vocal/guitar songbook
von Hank Jr. Williams

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Informationen zu "Hank Williams complete (128 songs) piano/vocal/guitar songbook"

Komponist/Autor: Hank Jr. Williams
Verlag: Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: HL00306304
EAN: 9780634006944
ISBN: 978-0-634-00694-4


The alabama waltz

Alone and forsaken

Angel of death

Are you lonely too

Are you walkin and a-talkin for the lord

Baby we're really in love

Bayou pon pon
The blues come around
Cajun baby
California zephyr
Calling you
Cold cold heart
Country fied
Dear brother
Everything's okay
For me there is no place
Forever's a long long time
The funeral
Help me understand
Hey good lookn

A home in heaven


Honey do you love me huh

Honky tonkin

House of gold

A house without love

How can you refuse him now
Howlin at the moon
I ain't got nothing but time
I can't escape from you
I can't get you off of my mind
I can't help it
I could never be ashamed of you
I don't care
I heard you crying in your sleep
I just didn't have the heart to say goodbye
I just don'tlike this kind of livin
I lost the only love i knew
I saw the light
I wish you didn't love me so much

I won't be home no more

I'd still want you

I'll be a bachelor till i die

I'll never get out of this world alive

I'm a long gone daddy

I'm going home

I'm gonna sing
I'm just crying cause i care
I'm so lonesome i could cry
I'm so tired of it all
I'm sorry for you my friend
I'm yvonne
I've been down that road before
If i didn't love you
If you'll be a baby
Is this goodbye
Jesus died for me
Jesus is calling
Jesus remembered me

Just me and my broken heart

Just waitin


Last night i dreamed of heaven

Let's turn back the years

Litlle bosephus

The little house we built
Long gone lonesome blues
Lost on the river
Low down blues
A mansion on the hill
May you never be alone
Me and my broken hearts
Message to my mother
Mind your own business
Moanin the blues
Mother is gone
Move it on over
My cold cold heart is melted now

My heart won't let me go

My heart would now

My love for you has turned to hate

My son calls another man daddy

My sweet love ain't around

Neath a cold gray tomb of stone

Never again
Never been so lonesome
No not now
Nobody's lonesome for me
On the banks of the old pontchartrain
On the evening train
Pan american
Peace will come
A picture from life's other side
Please make up your mind
Ramblin man
Ready to go home
Rockin chair daddy
Singing waterfall

Six more miles

Somebody's lonesome

A stranger in the night

A teardrop on a rose

There'll be no teardrops tonight

There's a tear in my beer

There's nothing as sweet as my baby
We're getting closer to the grave each day
Wealth won't save your soul
Wearin out your walkin shoes
Weary jblues from waiting
When god comes and gathers his jewels
When the book of life is reaed
When you're tired of breaking other hearts
Where do i go from here
Why don't you love me
Why should i cry
Why should we try anymore
You better keep it on your mind
You broke your own

You can't take my memories of youoyou win again

You're barking up the wrong tree now

You're gonna change

Your cheatin heart

Your turn to cry
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