The Best of Louis Armstrong: Songbook piano/vocal/guitar
von Louis Daniel Armstrong

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Informationen zu "The Best of Louis Armstrong: Songbook piano/vocal/guitar"

Komponist/Autor: Louis Daniel Armstrong
Verlag: Carisch S.p.a.
Verlagsnummer: ML2297
EAN: 9788850703784
ISBN: 978-88-507-0378-4


Louis Armstrong

Ain't misbehavin'

Blueberry hill


Down by the riverside

Dream a little dream of me

Go down moses
Hello dolly
Jeepers creepers
Just a gigolo
Kiss fo fire
Let's call the whole thing off
Nobody knows the trouble
Only you
Sweet georgia brown
Tiger rag
We have all the time in the world
What a wonderful world
When the saints
When you're smiling
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